Aprende a Preparar Tu Café en V60

Learn how to prepare your coffee in V60

1. Gather your tools and ingredients

  • V60 Dripper (Drip Stand)
  • Paper filters (specific for V60)
  • Freshly ground coffee (medium-fine texture, like table salt)
  • Hot water (90-96 °C)
  • Digital scale (optional, but very useful)
  • Container or cup to collect coffee
  • Spoon or stir stick

2. Measure the proportions

  • Standard ratio: 1 gram of coffee for every 15-17 ml of water .
    Example: For a 250 ml cup, use about 15-16 grams of ground coffee .
    If you don't have a scale: It's approximately 1 tablespoon of coffee for every 150 ml of water.

3. Prepare the equipment

  • Place the paper filter into the V60.
  • Rinse the filter with hot water to remove the papery taste and warm the container.
  • Discard that water before you begin.

4. Heat the water

  • Bring the water to a boil, then let it sit for about 30 seconds.
  • The ideal temperature is between 90-96 °C (if you don't have a thermometer, just don't let it boil).

5. Add the ground coffee

  • Place the ground coffee into the filter.
  • Gently tap the V60 to level the coffee (this ensures an even extraction).

6. Start the extraction (pouring process)

  1. First pour (bloom):

    • Slowly pour hot water over the coffee until it is completely covered (approximately 30-50 ml).
    • Wait 30-45 seconds to allow the coffee to bloom (releases trapped gases, improving flavor).
  2. Main discharges:

    • Pour the remaining water in slow, steady circles , avoiding directly touching the edges of the filter.
    • Divide the water into 2-3 pours for even extraction.
    • The total pouring time should be 2:30 to 3:30 minutes .

7. Serve and enjoy

  • Once the water has completely passed through, remove the V60.
  • Pour the coffee into your cup and enjoy immediately.

Expert advice

  • If your coffee is too bitter , try grinding it a little coarser.
  • If it is very acidic , try grinding it finer or slightly lengthening the extraction time.
  • Experiment with proportions to find the flavor you like best.
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