Conoce la Historia de Diego Bedoya Exotic Coffee

Get to know the story of Diego Bedoya Exotic Coffee

Finca la Chiquita is located in the coffee triangle: the municipality of Palestina in Caldas, Colombia. Its founder is Diego Bedoya, who, with his passion and desire to learn, specialized in the cultivation and processing of coffee.

He has spent the last 8 years honing his skills, working alongside farmers and expert coffee growers to understand every aspect of the production and treatment of this product. As a brand, we are dedicated to growing and processing specialty coffees; using innovative aging methods in oak barrels and co-fermentation with tropical fruits.

Currently, we are winners in the Experimental Coffees category of Tecnicafé (Colombia) , 3rd Place in the Spirits Coffees Category of the Top Roast National Competition (2024), 5th Place in the Processed Coffees category of the Top Roast National Roasted Coffee Competition (Colombia 2023), 2nd Place in the Innovative Coffee category and 3rd Place in the Estate Coffee category at the World Coffee Challenge competition in Madrid (Spain). 

Diego Bedoya Exotic Coffee takes coffee to another level, where it becomes a unique and distinctive seal, allowing you to live a sensory experience of unique flavors and aromas in each cup.

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